Are you an actor and a voice actor?
Do you find yourself splitting your time between marketing yourself as a voice over talent and marketing yourself as an actor?
Is it beneficial to market both at the same time or should they definitely remain separate?
I’ve been both an actor and a voice over talent for many years. While I feel that the two enhance each other, I find myself separating the two when it comes to marketing efforts. I tend to think that highlighting the acting doesn’t hurt in voice over marketing, especially since we’re more inclined to describe voice over as voice “acting” these days. However, I’m a little concerned that casting directors may not take my acting as seriously if they see I do a lot of voice over work. Voice over is certainly a very respectable profession and requires great acting skills, and special talents, but is there a bit of hesitation when a casting director sees a heavier resume on the voice over side?
I do maintain separate postcards and other mailing materials when it comes to promoting myself in each arena. Until now, I’ve only maintained one website: which definitely emphasizes more of the voice over work, demos, videos, information,etc. I do maintain a section of the site called “Resume” which lists my acting resume and links to acting reels, IMDB, and clips from film and television projects in which I’ve performed. I’m also on most of the major casting web sites: Actors Access, Now Casting, Casting Networks, and a few lesser known sites.
Now, I’m thinking it’s time for me to create my own totally separate website just for acting. The site would just include some photos, demo reel, representation, social media and probably a link back to my voice over site as well. Although this site will have a very different look, I will try to incorporate a few of the design elements from my current site. Because I’m planning to up my game and play in bigger markets, it just seems like the right thing to do.
If you’re an actor as well as voice actor, do you keep it together or separate?
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below.
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