Your Home Studio
After you’ve had some voice over coaching or perhaps even while you’re getting started, you may want to create your own home audio studio. You don’t have to start off by spending a fortune on high end equipment. You will want to get some decent quality basic equipment: mic, preamp, recording software, speakers, headphones, etc., and create a quiet place to work. Not only will you want to block out the outside noises, you will want to create a good acoustical environment so that your audio will sound it’s best.
Some voice over artists actually work in a large walk in closet with the clothes hanging in it if they’re lucky enough to have one large enough! The clothes actually help to create a good sounding environment. If you don’t have a closet large enough, you may want to take a corner of a room and block it off with moving blankets, heavy comforters, etc. – and don’t forget the space above you! This will help to cut down on the “roomy” sound.
You’re going to want to keep your computer isolated outside of your recording space if it has a noisy fan. Any other “noisy” items such as HVAC, refrigerators, televisions, phones, etc. will have to be turned off or well away from your recording space, too.
There are some excellent books out there with great specific information on how to create a good home studio. I highly recommend the following:
Guides for Creating Your Home Recording Studio:
Sound Advice – Voiceover from an Audio Engineer’s Perspective
The Voice Actor’s Guide to Home Recording
Home Recording Basics
Digital Home Recording
To learn more about becoming a professional voice talent please follow the links below.
Voice Over – Articulation Exercises
Voice Over – How To Read Copy
Voice Over – Demo
Voice Over – Agents
Voice Over – Talent
Voice Over – Home Studio
Voice Over – Internet Professionals
Voice Over – Professional Voice Talent
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