Melanie Haynes Voiceover
Phone: (281) 794-3730

Tag: acting

LA State of Mind

So much has been happening over the past few months, that I have not been able to keep up with this voice over blog. While Houston is my home, I am now living and working in Los Angeles. After all these years, I’ve decided it is time to take the plunge – thanks to good […]

Acting in The Hen House, Worldfest, UT Honors

This week is certainly a mixed bag of events! Tonight, I have a play reading of The Hen House, a very character rich play written by Bo Brinkman who is also the writer/director/star of The Last Mark, a film I’m in that is an official selection of and screening at Worldfest-Houston on Thursday night.  On […]

Acting in TV’s Salem, Witches, and Me!

  WGN’s new series, SALEM, begins April 21st!  Watch for me acting in Episode #7!  

Actor vs Voice Actor – Splitting your time?

Are you an actor and a voice actor? Do you find yourself splitting your time between marketing yourself as a voice over talent and marketing yourself as an actor? Is it beneficial to market both at the same time or should they definitely remain separate? I’ve been both an actor and a voice over talent […]

Do you practice “Gratitude”?

  In a previous post, I mentioned the terms Service and Gratitude and how they’d been coming up for me over and over again in the past few months. In that post, I talked about some of the new ways for me to think about service.  Now, I’d like to focus on gratitude.  It’s been […]

Do you practice “Service”?

In the past few months, the words service and gratitude have been coming up again and again in books, articles, courses, and videos that I have read and heard.  The terms are not new to me or to you, of course; however, there seems to be so much more emphasis on and usage of the […]

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